Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Is it almost the end of the Circuit Breaker (CB) in Singapore?

It's almost the end of May! Sadly, there's really nothing much to look forward to in June. Even though the government has not announced the extension of CB (which a Milieu survey conducted showed that 80% of ppl think it's the same as a partial lockdown), post-CB will see the country opening up in 3 phases.

According to 
Phase One: Safe Re-opening
From 2 Jun 2020, Singapore will gradually re-open economic activities that do not pose high risk of transmission. Social, economic and entertainment activities with a higher risk will remain closed.

Everyone should continue to leave home only for essential activities, and wear a mask when doing so. Seniors should continue to stay at home. Here’s what you need to know:
  • Safe Workplaces: Some businesses to re-open with Safe Management measures
  • Safe Home and Community: Households can receive 2 visitors per day, who must be children and/or grandchildren from the same household
  • Safe School: Primary and Secondary school graduating cohorts to attend school daily
  • Safe Care: Essential care services will continue
More info here.

What does this mean for me and the rest of my demographic?
Life goes on like it's still the CB period.😐 I'm still going to be working from home. I live with my parents so there's no visiting to be done. I don't attend school anymore and I'm not part of the essential care services industry! 

I have noticed that there are more people going out now from my last visit to the hawker center during the weekend. It seems that more stalls are open for business compared to a month ago and people are willing to drive to my area to pack vegetarian food home. My friends have also started to go out and get food/groceries for themselves instead of solely relying on food delivery services and online groceries.

Phase 1 is supposed to last for at least 4 weeks (no known end date) and I think that might be why most of us are restless and bored. It seems like it's a never-ending lockdown considering the CB was was already extended previously for an additional month. 

However, in recent news, it seems like there's a bit of hope that we can progress to phase 2 in late June. Of course, this all depends on the community infection rates. For the sake of many businesses which are suffering from this extended closure, I hope that we get to phase 2 soon. 

What it means for me if we get to phase 2: I'll probably still keep to the same lifestyle as in phase 1. I don't think we will be called back to the office. Also, I believe that low transmission rate =/= no transmission so for the sake of everyone else, myself and my family, it's still best to keep social activities to a minimum. 

I know that life won't be the same even after a vaccine is found for Covid-19. Industries will learn from this and change, perhaps for the better. For me, it's a wake up call to always remember that beneath all the seeming stability at work, at home, anywhere, life by its nature is not permanent and I should not take anything for granted!