Friday, June 5, 2020

"No Spending in May" Challenge Review

So it's already June, so let's review the "No Spending in May" challenge!.

Did I spend anything? Lol yes quite a bit actually on the non-allowables (though I used the cheat - strictly with credits)

1. Taxi
I had to go to the polyclinic for eyes strain earlier in May, so I took a cab there but walked home. Guess I could have walked there too. Lol. Spent $2 after using my existing $5 Grab voucher (which sadly didn't cover the full cost).

2. Shampoo set (Shampoo, hair mask and hair care gel)

This was a want rather than a need. Really could have done without this as I wasn't running low on shampoo. Just that it was really quite cheap at 65% discount 😒 The auntie in me succumbed. Spent $35.19 (I know it's expensive!)

3. Face mist
I was farming on Shopee farm (lol the only kind of farming that I like 😂) and managed to farm a face mist that costs $20 for free. Unfortunately, I have to pay for the 99c shipping once I harvested......

4. Food delivery
I wanted it to be a month of no food delivery. But well, earlier last month, I was still busy with school so I didn't cook. Sometimes I didn't want to order in, but my mum had cravings. And because what she wanted couldn't hit the minimum $10 for the free delivery vouchers I had, so I also ordered food for myself. I didn't bother separating out her expenses. Also, I no longer had free delivery late in the month so I used that as an excuse not to order anything for her. However later on, she asked me to do the delivery for her 😅
16 orders damage: $227.06

5. Groceries
I had more than enough food to last me for the month. But it was just certain fresh foods that ran out like grapes or tomatoes that I still wanted to eat. I also bought this month's groceries since I was somewhat close to hitting the minimum spending for my card's 3+% rebate so might as well. (I have enough credits for this tho if I'd use the credits on the other card. It's like right pocket in, left pocket out so didn't stick exactly to the rules on this!) Oh and I splurged on 6 bags of Aroma truffle chips. Original price is $10 for 100g but I bought each bag for $8. It's damn expensive? Don't think I'll ever repurchase in the future even though it was quite satisfying. My mum paid me for 1 bag of it. I think might be because I kept treating her last month - buying fruits and food - so she insisted on paying for her bag of chips.
Damage: $217.79

6. Public transport
Towards the end of the month, when I did my physical shopping for groceries, I took the public transport because I was too lazy to walk. So that's about $2.

Okay, that's it. Everything else I spent in May was from the allowed list!

There have been many times that I was temped to buy stuff. Even though I could have cheated with my credits but remembering I'm on the challenge did make me consider if I really needed the stuff (except the shampoo set. haha that one "act first think later". Guess my rationale was I could sell it off for profit for a little more work) and whether I was okay to postpone the buy. For something that I was contemplating on buying, I thought to myself "eh this one can buy in June" though now it's "this one can buy in July" hahah.

I have started on the "No spending in June" challenge which has the same rules except that groceries is now allowable expense as I can't not eat. It has been really fun for me trying to control my impulsive tendencies and changing my spending habits especially on food deliveries.

It's 5 days into June.... I think I'm doing better than last month, but let's see at the end of the June :) Stay tuned for updates!